Microsoft Office error code 30174-4: When your attempt to install Office fails, an error message typically tries to explain the cause. There are many reasons that could cause the error code 30174-4. Usually, error occurs due to the system files corruption or previous installation files not removed properly. Here is the list of troubleshooting steps to resolve the error. Follow the steps mentioned in this article in the exact order to fix the error code 30174-4. Check to see if the error fixed after finishing each troubleshooting step. Performing the troubleshooting steps mentioned in this article will resolve the error code 30174-4.
Troubleshooting steps to fix Microsoft Office error code 30174-4
When you install Office, you may see error code 30174-4 if a previous installation of Office is failed. Here are some things you can try to resolve error code 30174-4. We’ve listed the most common solutions first, so try them in order.Common causes for error code 30174-4
- Antivirus software or firewall might be blocking the Office installation.
- Internet connection or proxy settings are preventing from installing Office.
- Pre-existing version of an Office suite is blocking the installation.
- Incomplete\partial\failed repair\installation\change\removal of a previous Office suite can prevent from installing a newer version.
Follow the below steps to troubleshoot the error code 30174-4
1 - Repair your Office app
error code 30174-4 will be fixed when Office repair tool replaces all the corrupted system files. Follow the steps below to run repair tool to fix the error.- Open Control Panel using Start.
- Click on Programs and select Programs and Features.
- Click on the Office product that you want to repair.
- Click Change.
- Select Quick Repair and click on Repair. If Quick Repair didn’t fix the error code 30174-4, select Online Repair and click on Repair.
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